Our balance bike is a hyper lightweight 11.4" balance trainer with puncture-proof tires and a high-quality metal frame weighing only 6.6 lbs. perfect toy to train your toddler's gross motor skills, balance, and steering. Balance bikes are proven time and again to teach boys and girls to ride faster than training wheels. Your child will learn balance and steering, which makes transitioning to a bicycle much easier.
Great Beginner Bike: A kid's balance bike is a safer, faster, and more fun way for kids to learn cycling. As they learn to walk, glide, and run, this balance bike will help them develop coordination.
Mute and Thickened Tires: Kids toddler bike uses 11.4-inch EVA foam wheels and is thickened, more durable than other kids' bicycles, and safer to ride. The no-puncture 11.4-inch EVA tires are comfortable: no need to inflate the tires anymore, no puncture risk, and from now on only fun!
Adjustable seat and handlebars: The seat is adjustable from 13-17 inches, and the handlebar can adjust from 20.9-24.4 inches. Thanks to its lightweight frame your toddler can easily control the bike.
Lightweight Frame: A lightweight bike is the most relevant feature for a small kid. The carbon steel frame weighs just over 6.6 lbs. Allowing your child to easily steer, push, and maneuver the bike as they learn to ride.
Safety & Green: Constructed of anti-rust carbon steel. Inflation-free EVA tires, Non-slip rubber handle protects hands favorably, thick cushion seat provide the most comfortable ride. All materials are Eco-friendly and non-toxic.
Item Weight: 6.6 Pounds
Material: Aluminum, EVA foam wheels, Soft Rubber Grips and PU Seat
Recommended Age: 3-5 years old
Recommended Height: 34-49in
Weight Capacity: 66lbs