Bosonshop Kids Ride-on Tricycle is a good choice as starter trike, and it doubles as a walker and later a bike! We provide two colors of blue and rose red for you to choose, you can choose the color according to boys or girls. Made of smooth and thick materials, and EVA rubber wheels, keep comfortable and durable. Easy to assemble, it can be assembled in 5 minutes, no need to spend time and effort! It will be a great first bike to learn on! Worth choosing!
- 【Walk and Ride】 Learn to walk: Kids aged 1-2 enjoy sitting on the seat while using his feet to push the floor to move around; Learn to ride: Kids aged 2-3 will be able to use the pedal well enough.
- 【Safe Design】 with 45 degree safe steering design, it can prevent rollover or back-over, etc., and can ensure safe driving of children.
- 【Indoor and Outdoor Use】 3 Wear-resistant wheels are not only suitable for indoor living room, bedroom, also suitable for outdoor backyard, park, patio, playground and so on.
- 【More benefits】 The boys/girls trike can help kids build flexibility and balance, also develop kid’s hand-eye coordination ability, motor skills and make fun, good choice as a present for toddlers.
- 【Specification】 Material: high-quality HDPE and TRE and EVA rubber wheels. Item weight: 5 LBS, Weight capacity: 45 LBS; The 3-wheel Ride-on Toy is a good starter trike. Great size for 18 month-36 month.
Materials: HDPE, TRE, EVA
Overall Dimensions: 22.5" L x 14" W x 15.5" H
Age Fit: 18 month-36 month
Item Weight: 5 lb
Max Loading: 45 lb